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Top Service Steps For General School Bus Brake Problems

Top Service Steps for General School Bus Brake Problems

The fact that school buses tend to stop often means that there’s a lot of strain put on the braking system. This makes it necessary to thoroughly check the brake system often, which will help keep any school bus running safe and sound. Because there are many parts of a brake system that need to be closely inspected, it’s always a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s suggestions in order to be sure that they’re working correctly.

The following is a small list of some of things to look for when checking air brakes on a school bus.

  • Hoses that are cracked or bulging will need to be replaced.
  • Support brackets that are bits are broken will need to be replaced.
  • Automatic brake adjusters should be checked to make sure they are working as they should.
  • The camshaft should be checked for wear and tear, as well as the bearing journals and splines.

General Brake Problems

One of the more general brake problems that school buses tend to have include a lot of uneven wear and tear. Especially on the brake pads, which are more vulnerable to the elements. When the right brake pads aren’t chosen, they can definitely affect the overall braking performance. Another common issue is the brakes not being in their proper alignment, making it so that the brake system needs the appropriate adjusting in order for it to work correctly.

Top Service Steps

Routine inspections are one of the best ways to prevent general brake problems. Involving the driver because they drive the bus five days a week and are thus familiar with the braking system is also a good idea. When it comes to actually servicing school bus brakes, the time it takes the bus to stop needs to be measured, the entire brake system needs to be balanced, and all of the brake components should be changed out for new ones for the best safety measures.

When it comes to air brake maintenance, the following recommendations are necessary.

  • Get new camshaft bushings.
  • Get new brake shoes. Braking hardware kits can be purchased that include material that has friction, which will help the brakes stop in bad weather conditions.
  • Get a new brake drum, making sure to check for free wheel revolution.
  • Add new oil.
  • Get new linings and new brake drums.
  • Be sure not to change the slack adjusters or add anything to the brakes air system.