Anytime there’s a need for heavy duty truck repair, it’s essential to be a lot of open communication between the fleet and the truck repair shop. It’s absolutely necessary for both parties to be on the same page when it comes to understanding exactly what’s wrong with the truck, as well as when it will be available for pick up once the repairs have been completed. This communication is especially important when it comes to regular truck maintenance, which is often not given top priority.
It’s also important to make sure that any heavy duty truck maintenance is performed correctly, which will result in less breakdowns. The fact that the costs associated with heavy duty truck repair have gone up nearly 10% in the last few years makes it essential for every fleet manager to keep close tabs on all regular maintenance checks.
Truck Repair & Maintenance
Because the costs associated with maintaining heavy duty trucks are rising, fleet managers must do their best when it comes to monitoring the need for any truck repair and/or maintenance. They must place a large focus on training their staff, as well as make a pledge to follow any maintenance standards that are currently in place. Because heavy duty truck repair and maintenance is such a large part of making sure that every truck is performing at its best, a new focus has been placed on improving the overall process.
Certification Process Underway
The goal is to create a certification process that allows a truck repair shop to schedule incoming trucks that need repair much more proficiently. A focus will now be placed on individual truck mechanic skills, their current availability, the type of repair that’s needed, and how soon the truck repair needs to be completed. Once a standard is figured out that will help all heavy duty truck shops be more proficient, it will be used to give a fleet manager a much better idea of exactly what needs to be done, as well as how soon the repaired truck can be picked up.
An emphasis on making sure that all truck repair mechanics are performing at the best of their abilities is also underway, which is being done by updating certification programs that already in place. It’s especially important for all fleet managers to have access to this updated information, as they are accountable for making sure that their fleet is always performing at its absolute best.