Customer Supplied Parts
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I supply my own parts for a repair in Consolidated’s shop:
Our aim is to provide you Service Done Right with providing custom service solutions designed to fit your exact needs. One of the ways we do that is by allowing you to find and bring in your own parts if that best fits your needs and timeline. However, from our experience, often the parts provided are not the correct parts (requiring extra hours to put on and take off again) or they need extra labor time for the parts to be modified correctly into the repair or we have additional hours moving a vehicle in and out of a service bay while waiting on the parts to arrive, therefore all hours put into this job will be billed out to you.
Will Consolidated warranty the parts that I bring into the shop?
If an issue occurs with the parts you provide we will be happy to assist you as you work to obtain warranty coverage on these parts. We will not be able to provide a warranty through Consolidated for these parts due to the fact that we are not the original purchasers of the products and do not have the authority to seek warranty on your behalf. It will be your responsibility to apply for any warranty through your parts vendor that you purchased the parts through.
Will Consolidated warranty the repair when I supply the parts?
When we perform service work with parts that have been purchased through our parts department, we are able to stand behind our work and give you a warranty that covers our workmanship for one year/unlimited miles and honors part manufacturer warranties, because we know the exact quality of the products we are using. However, when we use parts that have been supplied by someone other than us, we cannot guarantee that the parts meet the specifications, quality, or standards of Consolidated, therefore these repairs will carry NO WARRANTY through us. We will be more than happy to fix your truck in this situation and this work will be preformed as a standard repair, not warranty.
How will you handle a workmanship warranty?
If you suspect a workmanship issue from a previous repair done by us, please bring it on in or give us a call to schedule the truck into ANY of our locations and we will be happy to take care of ANY an ALL issues that have been caused by our workmanship. We aren’t perfect and it is our desire to fix any mistakes we have made. Please contact us first before taking the repair to any other third-party repair centers. If this occurs without our authorization, Consolidated will not be able to cover this warranty. As people of integrity we request that we get the first chance to correct any mistakes we have made.
***Any reference of “we, our, or us” is specifically referring to Consolidated Truck Parts & Service***